Joyce Dean

Joyce Dean has worked in both school and adult services programs for individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, as well as serving as a consultant and trainer for schools, community organizations, and public sector agencies.
She is co-author on several book chapters and articles on supported employment. Based on her special interest in quality systems management, she authored the book, Quality Improvement in Employment and Other Human Services: Managing for Quality through Change. The book applies principles and methods of continuous quality improvement to human services, and, in particular, to transformation from facility-based programs to services to support competitive integrated employment.
Joyce has provided training and presentations in many states across the country, as well as in Canada, Guam and Australia. Her work has included providing support for program start-up, as well as assisting in database design, systems development, proposal development, grant management, staff training, and policy/procedure development.
Joyce holds a Masters in Education from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. She is a Senior Partner of the woman-owned training and consulting firm, Dean/Ross Associates. She is retired from the University of Oregon, having been a Senior Research Assistant in Educational and Community Supports in the College of Education for over 30 years. Joyce lives in Eugene, Oregon, and is an avid Ducks fan. In addition to her interest in sports, Joyce enjoys studying Italian, cooking, crocheting, reading, and trips to the coast.