Innovating Inclusion

Innovating Inclusion

In late 2021, CASE launched an Innovation Lab to research, select, test, analyze and grow transformative solutions that facilitate the sustained and valued contributions persons experiencing disability make to the Canadian economy. Together with 20 partners from service providers to employers to research institutions, the Innovation Lab set out to explore the role of innovation in breaking down the barriers to employment faced by people experiencing disability and other, intersectional challenges. In this webinar, we will share the lessons we have learned along the way, including approaches that show promise, as well as those that did not go as planned.  

Presenters: Joy McKinnon and Shannon Johnson

Image: Jeff Grace, a white man with dark-rimmed glasses and gray hair wearing a light blue vest over a dark shirt, smiles.
Image: Chuck Goodwin, a white man with dark brown curly hair and beard, wearing a red Polo shirt, smiling and slightly squinting in the sun.

Joy McKinnon 

Joy has been working in the employment sector for three decades in Canada and the United States assisting both business leaders and job seekers to create inclusive and diverse workplaces.  She believes that meaningful employment is the first step to full citizenship.

Joy works with business and community leaders to develop policy and strategies that assist with recruitment and retention of a diverse and inclusive workforce which increases productivity and workplace morale. In her current role as New Concepts Coordinator with CASE’s Innovation Lab she focuses on finding innovative solutions to workforce challenges.

Joy holds a bachelor’s degree in education and is a certified facilitator.

Shannon Johnon

Shannon Johnson is the Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Specialist at the Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE). She has been working for the past 2 years on CASE’s Innovation Lab project with a mission to research, select, test, analyze and grow transformative solutions that facilitate the sustained and valued contributions persons experiencing disability make to the Canadian economy. Shannon came to CASE with over 25 years of experience working internationally for organizations such as UNHCR, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Panzi Hospital Foundation.

The ROI Benefits of Hiring Talented Neurodiverse Employees in the Workplace

The ROI Benefits of Hiring Talented Neurodiverse Employees in the Workplace

Join Dr. Kerry Magro, an acclaimed professional speaker and author, as he shares his journey from being nonspeaking to becoming a renowned speaker who has engaged audiences at over 1,300 events worldwide, including prestigious organizations like Google and American Express. In this session, Dr. Magro will delve into the significant ROI benefits of hiring autistic individuals and the broader scope of neurodiversity in the workforce. He will discuss his firsthand experiences, the insights from his books such as “Defining Autism From The Heart,” and his involvement in influential films and TV shows like Netflix’s ‘Love on the Spectrum U.S.’. This presentation will not only educate but also equip attendees with practical tools and insights to harness the potential of neurodiverse individuals in their organizations.

Presenter: Dr. Kerry Magro Ed.D.

Image: Andrew Coltrin, white male with graying hair and glasses, smiling in his home office.

Dr. Kerry Magro (Mah-grow) Ed.D. was nonspeaking till 2.5, diagnosed with autism at 4 and didn’t speak in complete sentences until 7 years old. Today as an adult he is an award-winning autistic professional speaker, best-selling author and autism consultant to the HBO series Mrs. Fletcher and the latest season of Netflix’s Emmy-Award Winning Series ‘Love on the Spectrum U.S.’ He started professional speaking 13 years ago via the National Speakers Association after he fell in love with theater as a child to help with his social and communication skills. Today he has spoken at over 1300 events during that time include 2 TEDxTalks and a ‘Talks at Google’ presentation. In addition, Kerry is CEO & President of KFM Making A Difference, a nonprofit organization that hosts inclusion events and has provided 150 scholarships for autistic students for college and counting since 2011. He’s provided 27 small business grants for small businesses that hire people with disabilities.

 Kerry’s best-selling books Defining Autism From The Heart, and Autism and Falling in Love, I Will Light It Up Blue and his latest, Autistics on Autism have reached Amazon Best-Seller Lists for Special Needs Parenting. His latest book ‘Supporting Your Autism Journey’ was released on April 2, 2024.

For his efforts in the community he’s been featured on NBC’s Today Show, CBS News, FOX5, Upworthy along with additional outlets. He frequently speaks in-person and virtually to companies on Neurodiversity in the Workplace including JP Morgan Chase, TD Bank, and S&P Global.