King County School-to-Work Introductory videos
What you need to know about School-to-Work!
This series is intended to provide information to families of student jobseekers with disabilities and to help better understand transition from school to the adult employment service system and the King County School-to-Work Program. Many thanks to coordinator O’Neill & Associates and videographer Don Porter.
What you need to know about the big picture of navigating the school to adult employment system transition and funding
Richard Wilson
Program Manager, King County Developmental Disabilities and Early Childhood Supports Division (DDECSD) School-to-Work Program
What you need to know about preparing your son or daughter for a full life after school
Cathy Murahashi
Parent-to-Parent Coordinator
Arc of King County
- Into adulthood e-group – Send an e-mail to: [email protected]
King County Metro Travel Training Program, Amanda Bryant: 206-749-4242, [email protected]
What you need to know about having a job
Tevin Jenkins
Pacific Science Center IMAX Theater
Usher and School-to-Work Transition Student
What you need to know about the WA State Developmental Disabilities Administration
Rod Duncan
Employment Program Specialist
WA State Region 2 DDA
What you need to know about the WA State Developmental Disabilities Administration
Maureen Roberts
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
WA State DVR
What you need to know about social security
Susan Harrell
Senior Program Manager and SSA Benefits Expert
Washington Initiative for Supported Employment (WISE)
What you need to know about School-to-Work
Richard Wilson
Program Manager
King County DDECSD School-to-Work Program