Kimberly L. Johnson


Kimberly is a professional disability/legislative advocate, parent engagement administrator, and Individualized Education Program (IEP)/504 Plan liaison/subject matter expert regarding services, resources, and processes servicing the disability community through her work with the IL.  Department of Human Services Developmental Disability Division, The Arc of Illinois and Chicago Public Schools.  She is the mother of an adult son living with Autism and gained her lived experience through their journey navigating services in Chicago, IL.  Grassroots advocacy is where her passion began when she realized that state funding, resources, and services for persons with disabilities were limited or non-existent in her community and other marginalized communities.   Kimberly’s primary focus is the transition pipeline from high school to accessing adult services for persons living with intellectual/developmental disabilities.    

 Professionally, Kimberly works at Chicago Public Schools (CPS) as a Parent Involvement/Engagement Specialist. This position works with families, schools, district staff, and community partners to educate, conduct parent engagement training for families living with a disability.  She has also worked as a Ligas Family Advocate where she spent time in Springfield with legislators to bring family stories to the forefront. Kimberly has been involved in the Chicagoland Autism Connection Parent Support Group for over 17 years and served as President, of the Board of Directors for the past 8 years.  She serves on several Boards and Committees including The Arc of IL., The State of IL. Development Disability Advisory Council, Founder, CAC Trailblazers-Self-Advocate group, Blue Tower Solutions, State of IL.  Criminal Justice Task Force, Q Source Kidney Advisory Board and served as a Faculty Member for Illinois Partners and Policy Making (2018-2021), NAMI Mental Health First Responder (2017), National Disability Institute Financial Wellness Trainer (2021).