Graphic: Wise Training Calendar

Community Networking

In this session we will look at ways to increase your network. We know that networking can feel uncomfortable, and we want to increase your confidence and get you thinking […]

Invisible Disabilities: Unmasking Your True Self

Many professionals have invisible disabilities that go undisclosed. These professionals bring unique strengths and skills and help diversify the workplace. Invisible disabilities can bring challenges to a person’s success in […]

Welcome Aboard: Best Practices for Effective Onboarding

Many organizations struggle with high turnover and disengaged employees due to ineffective onboarding. Traditional onboarding often focuses too much on paperwork, neglecting integration and engagement. Join Anne-Marie Lake for "Onboarding […]

Self-Advocacy in Consumer Matters

This presentation will discuss major financial transactions that young adults with disabilities will eventually be faced with. Those with disabilities are most vulnerable to exploitation, and abuse in conducting financial […]