Person-Centered Planning
A Person-Centered plan is a transformative facilitated process that collects information from a person and their team to get a blueprint of who someone is, how to support them, and ideas for a positive possible future. This process works in conjunction with the services an individual receives and uses the collective wisdom of a team of people to identify their strengths, gifts, and capacities to develop next steps that will move them toward the future they want. Person-Centered Planning varies in length, time, and location depending on what works best for a person. This process can happen both in person, virtually, or hybrid, depending on a person’s preferences and needs.
Please view this graphic for a visual outline of the typical Person-Centered Planning process.
Person-Centered Planning Offerings at Wise
Wise offers a range of indvidualized to group planning processes, consulting, and training.
Meet the Planners!
Wise has a team of trained facilitators who will work with a person and their team throughout the planning process. Our facilitators are trained in graphic and group facilitation to ensure this interactive process centers the voice of the person, while collecting perspectives from people who know and care about them. All Wise facilitators are versed in employment, community connecting, and gathering local resources based on a person’s skills, interests, and vision for a future of thriving and inclusion.
Facilitated Person-Centered Plan
This transformative process is useful for an indvidual and their team to reimagine a positive possible future and create clear and tangible steps for movement.
* In Washington State, a Person-Centered Plan can be accessed for an indvidual on a DDA Waiver via Individual Technical Assistance (ITA) *
Group-Focused Facilitation
- A virtual facilitated process conducted by two trained facilitators to help agencies or groups move towards a goal, and create actionable steps.
- This process is graphically recorded, and involves active participation from team members.

Person-Centered Planning Facilitator Training and Follow-up Mentorship
- This indepth facilitor training provides participants with the opportunity to learn how to become Person Centered Planning facilitators, through an interactive, mentored process.
- The training focuses on teaching the history, process, and values of Person-Centered planning.
- Through training, and ongoing mentorship, this dynamic workshop helps build capacity, and community for participants to implement facilitated planning into your process.

We started with participating in/observing an actual PCP meeting which was extremely valuable and ended with facilitating one ourselves while being observed. Although initially I was really nervous about this, it encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone, take risks, and really live the full experience. It was the highlight of my school year. Thank you Wise!!!
The training was so inspiring to be part of. I enjoyed being part of the teams of those we support to allow them to express the most important parts of their lives. It was a great experience to witness the possibilities of new opportunities for those we support and have a say in what their future will look like. Surrounded by people that care about them to watch their confidence grow and advocate for themselves was a reward in itself.
If you’re interested in having a Person-Centered Plan for yourself or someone you know
If you would like more information about becoming a Person-Centered Plan Facilitator
If you are a facilitator who would like to connect with other facilitators, please contact us here.