Government Partners

We assist and support government partners to reach their competitive integrated employment and community inclusion outcomes providing a range of technical assistance and support.
We may be asked to assist or support with areas such as:
- Including diverse members of the community on citizen advisory boards, including people with disabilities, school/business representatives and people from diverse ethnic and cultural groups
- Developing a clear mission and vision for strategic planning based on values of relationships, power, choice, integration, competence, health and safety
- Planning, RFP development, contracting and funding that promotes inclusion and involves input from people with disabilities, their family and the community
- Providing information and training to advocacy groups, providers, parent groups, schools and the community regarding inclusion and strategies and techniques for reaching outcomes of inclusion
- Developing clear outcomes measurements in the contracting and evaluation of services to determine the benefit of services, including impact of employment, community connections, participation and other indicators of inclusion
- Developing community gatherings that promote leadership development
- Developing events and experiences to train, educate, and further competitive integrated employment, community-building and inclusion with businesses and business associations, service groups and clubs, higher education, faith-based organizations and the community in general
- Producing and implementing digital media education campaigns to expand the message of the benefits of competitive integrated employment and community inclusion
- Researching and analyzing outcome data, public policy and implementation strategies
- Providing Comprehensive technical assistance and training planning
- Organizing and coordinating dynamic learning communities
In addition, we will assist governmental partners to develop leadership and relationships with broader community members to create the “welcoming communities” that embrace diversity and celebrate inclusion.