North Dakota VR Pilot Project

In September 2015, WISE was selected to work for three years with Minot State University, the state of North Dakota VR agency and four employment agencies who received grant support to implement the “Expanded Support Employment” project. The goal of the project is to design supported employment services that lead to integrated and competitive employment opportunities for individuals currently receiving day support services or those employed in segregated employment settings.   

The project provides a comprehensive range of training and technical assistance supports.

These activities include: 

1. Agency Specific TA Plans

2. All Agency Training Sessions On:

  • Discovery & Career Planning
  • Marketing & Job Development
  • Workplace and Job Analysis
  • Organizational Change
  • Job Coaching, Task Design & Training, Support Strategies
  • Informational Interviewing, Planning, and a follow up on Job Development.

3. Individual Coaching and Onsite Training for each agency

4. Customized webinars

5. Customized agency specific onsite training

The organizations that are participating in the pilot project are:

  • CLS
  • HIT, Inc.
  • PRIDE, Inc


ND Center for Persons with Disabilities
Learn more here.
ND Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Learn more here.
ND Supported Employment Guidelines
Learn more here.
“Working with WISE has been like a breath of fresh air after working in this field for many years. They have taught me a whole new technique and I have learned so much about how to really listen to peoples’ wants. It is surprising how it opens a whole new world for that person when people really start to listen. I felt like I was doing a good job of assisting people to find employment, but now I feel like I can do an extraordinary job and can really dig into a person’s uniqueness and find their hidden talents. Thank you WISE for broadening my horizon and opening my eyes.”
Darcy Severson

Employment Coordinator, Pride Inc, Bismark ND

Interested in learning more?

For more information, contact Shaun Wood directly at [email protected] or fill out our contact form.