Person-Centered Planning

A Person-Centered plan is a transformative facilitated process that collects information from a person and their team to get a blueprint of who someone is, how to support them, and ideas for a positive possible future. This process works in conjunction with the services an individual receives and uses the collective wisdom of a team of people to identify their strengths, gifts, and capacities to develop next steps that will move them toward the future they want. Person-Centered Planning varies in length, time, and location depending on what works best for a person. This process can happen both in person, virtually, or hybrid, depending on a person’s preferences and needs.

Please view this graphic for a visual outline of the typical Person-Centered Planning process. 

Meet the Facilitators!

Wise has a team of trained facilitators who will work with a person and their team throughout the planning process. Our facilitators are trained in graphic and group facilitation to ensure this interactive process centers the voice of the person, while collecting perspectives from people who know and care about them. All Wise facilitators are versed in employment, community connecting, and gathering local resources based on a person’s skills, interests, and vision for a future of thriving and inclusion.

Image: Headshot of Jim Corey in a circular crop

Jim Corey


Group image of employees

Ali DeYoung


Photograph: Headshot of Emily Harris, a white woman with brown hair.

Emily Harris


Photograph: Headshot of Jaimie Laitinen, a white woman with blonde hair.

Jaimie Laitinen


Group image of employees

David Murahashi


Photograph: Headshot of Dan Rutten, a white man with dark brown hair, glasses, and short beard.

Dan Rutten


Photograph: Circular headshot of Wise Senior Training & TA Manager, Katherine Titus.

Katherine Titus


  • If you’re interested in having a Person-Centered Plan for yourself or someone you know

  • If you would like more information about becoming a Person-Centered Plan Facilitator

  • If you are a facilitator who would like to connect with other facilitators, please contact us here.

If you would like to access our on-line learning content on Person-Centered Planning, click here.